Monday, 3 February 2014

Talk by Rebecca Struthers

Rebecca Struthurs, our PhD student and director of Struthers London, is doing a short talk on the history of horology this coming week which certainly shouldn't be missed if you're in the area. Follow the jump for full details:

The talk is part of Selfridges' Festival of Imagination. Rebecca is one of five creatives and academics who will give a 'lightning talk, 20 slides at 20 seconds each. Rebecca's talk is titled 'Life, Death, and the history of Horology, and is certain to be incredibly interesting. To book a place for this, simply email FOIBirminghamATselfridgesDOTcoDOTuk.
The lightening talks take place on Wednesday February 5th from 12-1PM, and the whole festival is not one to be missed.

Rebecca and Craig Struthers; Struthers London.
Struthers London has also just announced a watch designed for Morgan Motor Company, to be unveiled in March. It's a very exciting time for them!

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